Standing By CP
Sedaris authored Standing By in an attempt to persuade people to change how they
think and behave. That is the reason he wrote this story. He wants his readers
and others to not be so judgmental. We, for whatever reason are judgmental
people. We have the tendency to judge others in spite of the fact that we may
not know anything personal about the people we judge. We do it everywhere we
go; whether it’s waiting in line at the bank, in the grocery store, sitting in
traffic, or sitting in class, we do it all the time. Maybe it’s because we live
in a capitalist society where we are rewarded on being better than everyone
else. Maybe we do it because it’s
a biological instinct that we just have no control over. Or maybe we judge
others on preconceived stereotypes, because we feel better about ourselves when
we do. Whatever the reason, David Sedaris makes this tendency the backbone of
his short story Standing By. He makes
this the controlling purpose of his story because he no longer wants people to
think this way. He wants people to judge themselves before they think about
judging others, because in his eyes, we are equal. It’s not a bad idea. It’s
certainly the direction our country is heading in, which I believe is for the
I see Sedaris' controlling purpose, but where is yours?